A secret registry is like a scrap heap, said one columnist. Very well said. All the states and organizations are keeping secret lists, records, registries and archives. The bigest states have the greatest scrap heaps. No one knows what all there is within their scrap heaps. Only administrators and senior managements have the right to dig up those rubbish heaps and only for the reason of their own. No one knows why, from whom to whom and what kind of information is needed. Everything is done in secret.
When leaks occur, the leak distributors will be severely punished. If the leaked information raises some offense, the administrators will promise to fix the case. The repair information of the secret registry, however, is topsecret. So, no one knows whether the register is rectified or not. And no one knows if even worse information that remains. However, those in power need for their secret archives, because the power does not stay up without those scrap heaps.
The secret information is either in good or evil hands. Only our sins have that kind of secret registry, which no man has access to. We know nothing about the secret ways of the Lord. The secret of life is hidden both from us and from leakage.